Story of the Lie De Village

Lie De ​is a typical southern Chinese village, which has been settled for over 900 years by its ancestor, Li Quan, during the Song Dynasty. The village was replaced by the CBD of Zhujiang New Town in the urban regeneration of Guangzhou around 2010.

Day and Night of GBA

Different from the daytime, the Greater Bay Area shows off its brilliant lights at night. The annual electricity consumption of 620 billion kilowatt hours makes the Greater Bay Area one of the brightest lit regions on the planet.

GBA Urbanization

In the 40 years since the Reform and Opening up, more than 70 million people have moved to the GBA, injecting dynamism into the region's economy and bringing about one of the largest and fastest urbanisation processes in human history.

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One-hour Living Circle in 2017
One-hour Living Circle in 2020

1-Hour Living Circle

With Guangzhou as the centre, the service and technology industries have already started to spill over to Dongguan and Foshan, driven by policy promotion and rising office costs in Guangzhou and Shenzhen and urban integration. Improved transportation will help Jiangmen and Zhaoqing become important locations for logistics companies to locate in the Greater Bay Area and receive spillover demand. Huizhou, with its coastline resources, can attract tourist crowds from other cities in the Bay Area.

Greater Bay Area on Track

Rail transit provides a convenient and reliable mode of transportation and accessibility to job opportunities, educational institutions, and essential services. New transport corridors can act as catalysts for revitalising communities and attracting private investment, as well as facilitating the co-location of GBA cities and their gradual amalgamation into megacities.


China Railway High-speed (CRH)

China's high-speed railways (CRH) are currently an important category of transport infrastructure in China and the longest built length and highest usage railway system in the world, designed for speeds of 200-350 km/h. As of June 2022, China has nearly 3,200 kilometres of high-speed railways operating at the high standard of 350 km/h on a regular basis, and by the end of 2022, the country's high-speed railways have operated for approximately 42,000 kilometres.


Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region Intercity Railway System

The Pearl River Delta Intercity Rail Transit (PRDIR) is a rapid transit railway system planned, designed, constructed and operated for the urban agglomeration in the Greater Bay Area, operating at a speed of approximately 200km/h. When completed, the system will ensure that the fastest time required for cities in the Greater Bay Area to reach any of the surrounding cities with trains can be kept within 60 minutes.


100 YEARS of
GBA Rail Transit

From the Canton-Kowloon Railway in 1911 during the Hong Kong colonial era, to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway, the first high-speed railway after the Republic's Reform and Open-up, to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link in 2018, which can travel from Guangzhou to Shenzhen in just 48 minutes at 350 km/h, you have a lot to explore.

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From Guangzhou, the eastern starting point of the Maritime Silk Road and a thousand-year merchant capital, to Hong Kong, one of the world's top financial centres and the Pearl of the Orient, to Shenzhen, which has grown from a small fishing village to a world centre of technology in 40 years, the story of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is just beginning.

A key aspect of urban regeneration is an efficient and sustainable transport system that supports revitalisation efforts. Looking at the historical landscape of ‘the Great Bay Area on the Track', we see that the rail system supports the mobility of residents, the connectivity and interaction between cities, and the regeneration of the entire region of the GBA.








